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As the Board formulates policies, makes decisions, and oversees a broad array of District matters, it is necessary to ensure the Board has the structure, systems, competencies, and resources available to meet these responsibilities. Therefore, the Board must:

  • Have the appropriate operation configuration;
  • Make sure necessary evaluation and development processes are in place;
  • Conduct its meetings in a productive manner; and,
  • Fulfill its fiduciary obligations.

The Governance Committee assists the Board in ongoing improvement of its function, structure, and infrastructure, making this a Standing Committee. The Governance Committee's duties include:

  • Recommending amendments or changes to the District bylaws and Board policies;
  • Conducting an ongoing District bylaw and Board policies review to ensure these are current and consistent with the Board’s and the District’s functions and operations;
  • Developing the format for the evaluation of the Chief Executive Officer and then conduct this periodic assessment; and,
  • Developing a format and administer the Board of Directors’ periodic self-assessments.

The Governance Committee shall meet no less than quarterly.

Committee members:

  • Chair: Jean Turner (Chair, Board of Directors)
  • Board Member: David McCoy Barrett (Treasurer, Board of Directors)
  • Non-voting members:
    • Allison Partridge, MSN RN, NIHD Acting Chief Executive Officer

Committee charter:

Governance Committee agendas and minutes: