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Public Records Request Policy of NIHD


To establish District policy and guidelines concerning accessibility of District records

California Public Records Act – Section 6253 California Government Code. The fundamental precept of the California Records Act is that governmental records shall be disclosed to the public, upon request, unless there is a specific reason not to do so.

Public Record –Any writing containing information relating to the conduct of the public’s business prepared, owned, used, or retained by the entity regardless of physical form or characteristics.


Records of the Northern Inyo Healthcare District shall be disclosed to the public, upon request, unless those records are exempted by statute from public disclosure.


  1. All California Public Records Act requests for Northern Inyo Healthcare District related information are to be referred to the Compliance Officer for processing.
  2. When a member of the public requests disclosure or inspection of a public record, and to the extent the records are not exempt, the Compliance Officer shall, to the extent reasonable, assist the individual in identifying records that are responsive, describe the information technology in which the record exists, and provide suggestions for overcoming any practical basis for denying access to the record.
  3. To the extent identifiable public records exist in electronic format, and access to which is not otherwise restricted by law, and to the extent the information is not exempt from disclosure, the information shall be made available to the public in such format, but only if the production will not jeopardize or compromise the security or integrity of the original record or of any proprietary software in which it is maintained. The District may charge a fee for the direct costs of duplicating a record when the requester is seeking a copy or electronic reproduction.
  4. Upon receipt of a completed Request, the District will, when appropriate:
    1. Indicate the place within which the inspection must be made and the time limitation, if any, for return of the documents.
    2. Supervise and assist the requestor in reviewing the records.
    3. Provide copies upon request and after payment of the appropriate fees.
  5. The District may temporarily deny or restrict inspection of public records under the following circumstances:
    1. At the time of the request the records are required by District staff in performing their duties.
    2. Other persons are inspecting or are waiting to inspect the records.
    3. The records need to be retrieved from storage.
    4. At the time of the request supervision of inspection of the records is not possible because of the unavailability of appropriate District personnel.
    5. A question exists as to the possible exemption of the record from disclosure and the matter must be referred to legal counsel for determination.
  6. Any notification of denial of any request for records shall set forth the name and title or position of the District personnel responsible for the denial.

Contact Information

Compliance Officer
Phone: (760) 873-2022
Compliance Hotline – (888) 200-9764