Event Details
December Virtual Healthy Lifestyle Talk: Emotional Well-Being During COVID-19
- Categories: Behavioral Health
About This Event
- Event Type:Virtual Event
Please join us for our December Virtual Healthy Lifestyle Talk featuring Evelyn de Villiers, NIHD Clinical Psychologist presenting "Laughter is Medicine" and Linda Christensen, NIHD Licensed Clinical Social Worker presenting "Resilience", This event will be via Zoom and Facebook Live with a Q&A session after. We look forward to having you join!
Zoom Meeting Information (No Password Required)
Meeting ID: 969 2019 9897
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Meeting ID: 969 2019 9897
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/abUrgVUzGt
- Price: Free
Registration Instructions:
Please join the virtual event via ZOOM. No password required.