Event Details
How to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes
- Categories: Healthy Lifestyle Talk
About This Event
- Event Type:Educational Event
Lindsey K. Hughes, RDN and Elizabeth Haun, RN will be facilitating a Healthy Lifestyle Talk on how to prevent type 2 diabetes known as Preventing Type 2 (PT2).
This Healthy Lifestyle Talk will be an educational event where Lindsey and Elizabeth will discuss how their upcoming Diabetes Prevention Program will work. Topics include proper nutrition, weight management, physical activity, and much more!
Be sure to watch LIVE on YouTube January 27th at 5:30pm.
Please join us on either the NIHD YouTube Channel or on Zoom at the following link. Please note that to participate in the Q&A session on YouTube, you will need to be logged into that service. If you do not have a YouTube or Gmail account, it would be best to log into Zoom at the following link:
Meeting ID: 933 9636 3488
Passcode: 471114
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877 853 5257 US Toll-free
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Meeting ID: 933 9636 3488
Passcode: 471114
To join LIVE on YouTube, visit the NIHD Channel at 5:30 PM, log-in to your account, and watch for the notice that we are live: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfiAFpCrakUdTqc55LiyVxQ
Registration- Price: Free
- Registration Instructions: No Registration Required