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Healthy Lifestyle Talk: Who is at risk for Colorectal Cancer?

  • Categories: General Surgery, Healthy Lifestyle Talk

About This Event

  • Event Type:Educational Event

March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness month, and Northern Inyo Healthcare District experts are encouraging patients 45 and older, or those with a family history, to seek regular screenings. To bring this topic to the forefront, NIHD will host a Healthy Lifestyle Talk panel discussion on this health issue.

On Thursday, March 23, at 5:30 p.m., NIHD will host its March Healthy Lifestyle Talk, “Who is at risk for Colorectal Cancer,” a roundtable-style presentation featuring Dr. Robbin Cromer-Tyler, Dr. Connor Wiles, a General Surgeon who will join the NIHD surgical team later this summer, and our host, NIHD Chief Medical Officer Dr. Joy Engblade.

This educational presentation is part of NIHD’s ongoing Healthy Lifestyle Talk Series. These monthly talks are open to the public and free of charge. NIHD will present the talk in two formats:

  • Broadcast LIVE on and click on the “Live” menu. Please note that to participate in the Q&A session on YouTube, you must log into that service. It would be best to log into Zoom if you do not have a YouTube or Gmail account.
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According to the American Cancer Society, colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of death among cancers in both men and women in the United States. It is the leading cause of cancer death in men younger than 50.

The recent deaths of “Black Panther” actor Chadwick Boseman, 43, and “Cheers” and “Veronica’s Closet” actor Kirstie Alley, 71, brought renewed attention to colon cancer and the need for regular screenings.

“If you consider these two actors, Mr. Boseman died after a four-year battle with colon cancer,” says NIHD Chief Medical Officer Dr. Joy Engblade. “He reportedly received an advanced diagnosis when he was not yet 40. Sadly, the incidence of colorectal cancer is increasing in persons younger than 50. Ms. Alley died seven months following her diagnosis, which came about after reporting a sore back. The symptoms of colorectal cancer are not always noticeable, which is why conversations with your primary care provider and regular screenings are so important.”

Dr. Engblade notes experts consider colorectal cancer one of the most treatable cancers. Still, the only way to detect it is through effective screenings. “We say it a lot, but early detection does save lives,” she says. “Colonoscopies are the most effective screening method, allowing the surgeons to remove suspicious polyps on the spot. Additional screening options are available, especially for those who prefer not to or cannot have a colonoscopy. Many of these options allow people to screen more often if needed.”

For general information on Colorectal Cancer, visit

  • Price: Free
  • Registration Instructions: No Registration Required