Help Paying Your Bill
For quick reference, jump to:
- About Financial Assistance
- Online Bill Pay (to make a payment)
Billing Procedures & Services
Welcome to Northern Inyo Healthcare District's Billing and Payment Information Center. We are here to help you.
We accept many major private insurance plans, as well as Medicare, Medi-Cal, and a number of several other government programs.
If you have insurance, we will file your insurance claim for you if we are provided with complete and accurate information. Please remember you are responsible for policy deductibles, co-payments, co-insurance, and charges not covered by your insurer.
Please check your insurance plan or contact your insurance company directly to understand your specific requirements and limits. During your care, we are here to assist you with any needed authorizations.
As a reminder, we bill for:
- Northern Inyo Hospital Services
- All Northern Inyo Healthcare Clinics:
- Hospital-based pathologists, radiologists, and anesthesiologists
Outside service providers, ambulances, outside reference laboratories, such as Lab Corp, will bill you separately for their services.
Financial Assistance
If your family income is below 400 percent of the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines, you may qualify for financial assistance. Catastrophic medical coverage is also available if you have high medical costs (exceeding 10 percent of your family income). Our Billing & Credit team can help determine whether you are eligible once you provide:
- A completed application form (available from Billing & Credit)
- Documents verifying your income (tax return, pay stubs, or employer salary history)
Your completed application and supporting documents should be returned to the Billing & Credit Office. Our staff may contact you to request additional information. If you need help completing the form, please contact our Billing & Credit team at (760) 873-2097, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Online Bill Pay
Payments for the hospital, diagnostic imaging, rehabilitation services, and all of our outpatient clinics may be made here by credit or debit card.
Please note all information is kept secure and confidential. All payments are via a secure server.
If you are paying for services received before May 16, 2021, click the button below:
If you are paying for services received from May 17, 2021 to current click the button below:
If you have questions regarding your bill or payment, please call:
Credit & Billing Information Office
(760) 873-2190
Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.